Investing in a non-fungible token (NFT), like virtual real estate, is scary territory for conservative investors. But for those who have future hindsight, investing in an NFT metaverse property is worth getting a whole dip. This article aims to guide first-time players on how to enjoy and get the most out of their metaverse property.

‘’Rich dad, Poor Dad’’ author Robert Kiyosaki once wrote that “Real estate investing, even on a very small scale, remains a tried and true means of building an individual’s cash flow and wealth.” True, but what if you don’t have enough capital to pay all the taxes and fill out the mountains of paperwork required to purchase a piece of real estate, let alone to develop it?

In Your Earth DAO, you won’t need a million-dollar investment — especially if you get involved early in the metaverse project. You only need a few dollars to purchase enough tokens for your first metaverse property.

And, undoubtedly, the blockchain technology of the digital era has made everything possible. This turned Your Earth DAO into a fascinating and engaging virtual reality estate platform, as well as to a real-money investment opportunity.

This is the gaming industry’s future. To get the most out of the metaverse experience, there is no better alternative than combining your physical reality abilities and mixing them with the virtual reality world. So, here are a few pointers on how to make the most of your FIRST EVER metaverse property in Your Earth DAO.

Discover Your Earth DAO here.

6Ps to investing in Your Earth DAO’s metaverse property

These are some of the marketing principles to keep in mind if you’re thinking about investing in a metaverse property.

1. Place

Virtual properties on Your Earth DAO are rated or valued based on their location, similar to how real estate is priced around the world. As a result, the first thing you should think about is where you want to invest. Would you like to purchase your first metaverse property in a top New York location? Alternatively, you may invest in a less populated suburb. Buying metaverse properties in popular cities or sites will cost you more tokens than buying them in suburbs or less popular locations.

Image 1. Virtual land with landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower including those that surrounds it has higher market value than the others.

The main advantage of acquiring virtual real estate in a popular city is that it will not take long for its value to rise.

2. People

Any marketing guru will tell you that if you can’t get people’s attention or foot traffic, your product or service will fail. The same may be said for any virtual real estate investment. As a result, you may want to consider purchasing your first virtual land on Your Earth DAO in an area where you believe there will be a lot of foot traffic. A location near a landmark, such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Opera House in Sydney, is an example. But, of course, expect to pay a price for this.

Image 2. Visitors traffic is one source to earn in a metaverse property.

However, don’t fret if you’ve decided to put your money into less popular virtual spaces where there isn’t much foot traffic. Everything is possible in the virtual world. You may spend a few extra tokens to develop something in your virtual area that will draw people’s attention and encourage them to visit. It could be selling non-fungible tokens (NFTs) such as digital arts or other digital assets like avatars or NFT apparel, or it could be giving services such as online training classes that are only available when users visit your metaverse lots. In your metaverse property, you might also hold virtual events, games, or concerts.

How cool is that? You can go as creative as you can to attract more people to your virtual lands.

3. Product

When you invest in a metaverse property, you are also purchasing the following products:

  1. a virtual lot — when you buy a virtual lot, you get a smart contract with it that is digitally signed as proof of ownership. There is no tax on investing in a virtual lot, unlike real estate in the actual world.
Image 3. Sample representation of sectioned geolocation.

Users can only access virtual lands under their specific plan or badge. There will be a range of plans available to suit the needs of different types of gamers. Keep an eye on the pre-selling date of these NFT plans.

2. Acent ( ACE) — to secure a virtual land, you may participate in the NFT land sales through the Ace cryptocurrency– the native currency in Your Earth DAO.

Image 4: Ace token is now available in Kucoin and

3. NFT accessories — you may create, buy and trade digital assets, digital art or NFT music.

Remember that the moment you decide to invest in these products, it’s better to have a clear vision of what you want to do with your virtual space.

4. Promotion

If the product is king, promotion is the queen.

Promotion is as important as the product. Serious metaverse investors should seek strategies to maintain their virtual land’s foot traffic high.

One way to do this is to imagine a concept that is specific to the type of individuals you want to visit in your virtual space. Be excited to share them ahead with your friends or families on social media.

Remember that the more people who come in and appraise the value of these virtual lands, the higher the virtual lands and in-game currency become.

5. Price

As previously stated, the price of your virtual land is determined by its location. But how true that purchasing a metaverse will make you rich overnight? Unfortunately, it won’t easily happen in a couple of days.

You must understand that the price of your virtual land is determined by a variety of factors, including its proximity to landmarks or central business districts, developments made on the space, and the in-game currency conversion rate.

As virtual landlords, your ultimate goal is to sell your virtual land at a higher price than when you bought it. You may, however, take advantage of buying the in-game currency while it is still low and buy lots while the price is still affordable. After which you can wait for them to rise in value.

Also inviting your friends to join you in order to build a larger community of users will boost the value of the in-game currency and increase foot traffic. In the coming months, you’ll be surprised at how much your investment has grown.

6. The best P that shouldn’t get behind — PLAY

Remember that NFT virtual reality games were developed to entertain people and provide a temporary respite from the stresses of the real world. This Play-to-Earn game’s investment function is just second to its goal of giving the best possible gaming experience to its users.

Your Earth DAO uses Acent blockchain technology which has an Osiris Desktop Application Interface (ODIN) technology that provides for seamless and realistic 3D environments regardless of the computer’s capabilities. ODIN architecture ensures that the user will enjoy the immersive gaming experience in high-resolution and real-time virtual environments without crashing their computer.

Image 5. It is like transporting yourself to other worlds.

The Acent also employs OCEAN technology (which stands for Osiris Crypto Engine Acent Interface) in Your Earth DAO which cuts down on the time and costs of converting cryptocurrency to tokens and vice versa.

And, best of all, users can focus on the game rather than worrying about the security of their important digital assets, thanks to Acent’s high degree of security and data privacy.

Final thoughts

Everyone loves games that replicate real-world activities, especially ones that allow for customization, social networking, and, well, a little bragging rights.

Who can forget FarmVille, a simple yet entertaining game with 83.76 million monthly active users and a daily active user peak of 34.5 million in March 2010? Without receiving any real monetary rewards, users spend their time clicking their mouse to plant and care for animals. The benefits of their labors are in-game coins that allow them to purchase larger plots of land, tend animals, build structures, or reduce the amount of time they spend tending to their virtual plants.

Your Earth DAO is the third generation version of Farmville but significantly advanced in terms of features, graphics, and reward system. It will gather not only a wide social network of users but also highly engaged gamers and investors alike.

Still the best way to optimize your NFT lands is by considering them as your personalized projects that you can possibly feed anything you dream about.

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ACE token is listed on Kucoin and

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